
Native Spirit - 3 Card Reading

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Native Spirit - By Denise Linn

If there's a specific area that needs attention in your life, the Native Spirit Oracle Cards can assist you in understanding the best way to proceed. 

Card 1: What needs to be healed? This card is called the "Blockage Card."  It indicates what's blocked and needs to be resolved to clear the challenge. 

Card 2: How to heal the blockage. This card is the Spiritual too (or the "Healing Card") that helps resolve the obstacle. 

Card 3: Future Outcome. This card is the "Outcome Card," and it represents how the situation will be resolved if you follow the advice given in the previous two cards. 


You could also do a 3 card spread of Past, Present, and Future. 

Card 1 - Represents the past (or the origins of the challenge)

Card 2 - Represents the present (or where you currently are)

Card 3 - Represents what the future will bring. 

Please state which option you prefer when you order. 

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