Snowflake Obsidian – Balance. Focus. Grounding. Protection. Healing Negative Emotions.
If you are ready to have the truth shown to you, this is the stone you need.
It will show you what you need to know about yourself and others, allowing you to gain great clarity about people, places, and events.
Snowflake Obsidian is often used by healers when dealing with Shadow work. Our Shadow is our dark side, the side that we are not always proud of, the side of us that sometimes we love, and other days we wish we could lose.
Using this stone will reveal what parts of our shadow are holding us back from our true potential.
It is not about losing our shadow completely, as we all need a bit of a shadow to live in balance. It is more the shadow parts of us that are out of control or parts of our life that are bringing us down (work environment, home, certain people, health issues, etc)
Snowflake obsidian shows harmful, unneeded patterns and opens you to change, healing both present and past life issues.
It teaches you how to value mistakes, to learn from past negativity.
If you seek balance in times of change or desire an impetus to change, snowflake obsidian offers magic to keep you surrounded in positive energy.
Beads are on an elastic band, so stretches to fit all hands.
This listing is for (1) Gemstone Bracelet
Photos show (4) Bracelets worn