Sunstone can contain inclusions that produce a bright orange flash.
Sunstone instils a joy of life.
If you are feeling "flat" this stone will lift your spirits.
It clears all chakras.
If you are wanting independence, freedom, and self-empowerment - this is your stone.
Teaches you to be kind, happy and help others.
Supplies you with inspiration & creativity.
It reveals your hidden talents & encourages you to activate them.
It is a natural anti-depressant, keeping you happy & calm.
If you have trouble saying "No", this is the gem that will help you activate boundaries.
Associated with luck & good fortune, it has a "reap what you sow" effect. By working hard, your efforts will be magnified back to you.
Turns a troubled relationship into a loving one.
Carry this stone to attract a partner looking for love.
Stimulates & increases sexual energy.
Supports those suffering the loss of a partner.
Dissolves feelings of insecurity and being abused or abandoned.
Turns hate into love, anger into joy and sadness into happiness.
Approx Size: 45mm x 40mmÂ